I feel it is prudent to spend some time considering this issue, assisted in part by discussing the process of my thoughts openly, honestly and vigilantly in this hallowed forum of truth.
Let us begin in the beginning.
In the beginning there was an amoeba.
Perhaps it was not an amoeba but something far smaller and far more fundamental in it's biological makeup.
Something Wikipedia or Stephen hHwkins could explain but I have not the time to look up and this way I get to use the word amoeba. (In animal form, an amoeba would surely look something like this…. )

No-one knew where the amoeba came from but it was there nonetheless.
And the amoeba created the world when it exploded for some, as yet, non-universally agreed upon reason.
And so the amoeba created man life on earth. And lo the earth did turn into itself and bring forth man and woman.
Lots of things happened and were created on earth. Things like the wheel, emancipation, industry, political theorem, utterly butterly and custard.
From as far back as discernable, it appears the male of the species was dominant in his role. In the time of the cave, man dominated the animal kingdom. In the time of the Vikings, man dominated the sea. In the time of Prince Albert's, man dominated the world.
Throughout this time, woman was subjugated, silenced, abused and held helpless.
Half a century after the Corn Laws, a woman called Emily was born. Emily told her fellow women to burn their bras and to hold fast to iron railings. And so the women did. And lo it came to pass that women in a small island nation were given a vote with which to lift up their voices and be heard.
And that is where the beginning ends.
In tomorrow's blog, I shall consider the present which is also the middle and the end and use this period to enlighten myself more over this issue.