Thursday, February 1

2/357 things that annoy me

Was disturbed yet again on the train to work this morning by a selfish commuter.
This selfish commuter sniffed every 2 - 7 seconds. Every 2 to 7 seconds for the entire forty-five minute journey. I kid you not.

I counted at sporadic and random periods and not once did the gap in-between sniffs exceed seven seconds. Several came thick and fast in a 2, 2, 3, 2, 4 formation. I tried to catch the eye of a commuter to do the old 'flicking-eyes-to-the-ceiling' look to convey my annoyance. that same look that I hate so much when other people do it to me. I succeeded but felt in a hole when five minutes later I realised she was a friend of the sniffer.

I suppose if you haven't been exposed to sniffing when trying to sleep you may think this is not that much of an inconvenience and how can I become in anyway annoyed sufficiently to share it with you.

Well, let me tell you, unrelentless sniffing is as bad as it gets. It's on a parr with some of the most famous irritants of our time.

Remember the creaking pipe that wakes you just as you are about to drift off into sleep. They went to the same school.

The period when you are nodding off in front of the TV and suddenly your ears zone in on the audio which seems to have leapt in volume although no-one has touched it and you can't turn it down as you would disturb your relaxed pose but you can't leave it on as it is stopping you falling asleep. Best friends.

The nagging need for a wee when you are wrapped up warm and don't want to get out of bed. Teacher.

Why the hell didn't she bring a tissue?

I tried to quench my anger by imagining the various caustic remarks I could attempt at the girl had I the gall and nastiness to make them. I couldn't try to sleep it away could I? I did sincerely consider leaning over and saying 'Could you turn the sniffing down please'. I figure if it is accepted that it is socially-unacceptable to play ipods loud so that tinny music escapes into the ears of passengers, what's the difference with constant sniffing berating my ears?


Anonymous said...

I actually offered a fellow communter a tissue not so long ago becuase he was sniffing so much and it was driving me crazy. "no thanks" he replied, "I've got my own". Then he proceeded to get tissues out of his pocket and finally blow his nose. Why the eff hadn't he done that earlier? I had had to endure several stops-worth of his snot slugging. YAK!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. There is a guy I am forced to bump into on regular occasions who cannot stop clearing his throat every few seconds. It does not matter whether he has a cold or not, or even if he is mid-sentence. After prolonged exposure I end up feeling like I have a sore throat myself! Not quite as disgusting as the sniff.... but still. I tried a new tactic the other day which I can recommend - telling him to SHUT UP, and that in fact he is the most annoying person I have met. It has not completely solved the problem but has helped, so there you go - be direct, and if really necessary, slightly rude. Yo have little to lose if it just a commuter - chances are you will never see them again anyway.