Monday, October 8

Woe is me?

Today I am blighted with despair and ennui.

In an attempt to lift the ennui, I will attempt to dramatically and metaphorically convey said despair…..

I am a pebble pressed down by the carriage of life.
I am a helpless ant drowning in a sea of troubles.
I am splodge of soot upon the world's blackened brow.
I am Atlas struggling beneath the burden of the globe.

Truly…..this is not a auspicious start to the week.

I felt happy at about 1.53pm when I saw one of my colleagues wearing a yellow tie. And then there was the moment when I realised BOTH options on the canteen menu were vegetarian. Fool's hope! Our canteen food is shite, whatever the dish.

So that's it really, that has been my happiness quota for the day.

Maybe pondering on my forthcoming Death will cheer me up……..


Anonymous said...

I appreciate that the dark colours are on your blog currently have been chosen to reflect the dark mood you were in at the time of writing.

It would be good if you could lift the mood slightly so that we can read it a little easier?

Natalie said...

I will of course oblige m'lady

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, pea soup hmmmm wholesome

Natalie said...

Well what bl**dy colour do you want then, you picky aristocrat.

Oooo, you are like your mother.

Anonymous said...

but I like it